Employment Allowance to be restricted from next year
At the moment businesses and charities of all sizes can benefit from Employment Allowance. However, from the start of the new tax year in April 2020, the allowance will only be available to employers with a secondary National Insurance Contributions bill in the current tax year of less than £100,000.
Employers need to ensure that they update their payroll systems accordingly and cease to select any options within payroll software indicating that they will claim the allowance if they are no longer eligible.
Furthermore, in circumstances where an employer becomes connected with another employer that is excluded from Employment Allowance as a consequence of their secondary Class 1 bill having exceeded £100,000, they will also become excluded.
Required information regarding Employment Allowance must be provided to HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) using the Employment Payment Summary (EPS) of the Real-Time Information (RTI) system.