UK leads way on inward investment

The UK has maintained its position as the number one destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Europe after attracting a record number of projects in 2014-15.

Annual figures from UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), published on 17 June, revealed that the UK attracted 1,988 FDI projects – 12 per cent more than 2013-14 – which are estimated to have brought with them almost 85,000 new jobs and safeguarded 23,000 more across the UK.

The UK’s strong performance saw the value of accumulated FDI in the UK break the £1 trillion level for the first time. The figure is the highest in Europe and third in the world after the United States and China.

Trade and Investment Minister Lord Maude said: “2014 was an exceptional year for UK inward investment and we are proud to be bucking the global trend.

“The UK is a great place for entrepreneurs and corporations to put their energy, their ideas, their money and their talents to work.”

The UKTI statistics showed that FDI into the UK came from more than 70 countries, including the world’s leading emerging markets.

The USA remained the largest source of inward investment, with a total of 564 projects in 2014-15, followed by France (124 projects).

Link: The UKTI report