Recruitment process – three issues to avoid
The recruitment process can be complex and daunting, so you want to make sure you are following the best methods and not missing any key parts of the hiring process.
To help you with this, check out the three common mistakes made in the process to ensure you are following the best procedure.
Make sure you check your potential employee’s references. This can save hiring the wrong person and is a standardised part of the procedure for a reason.
It is a useful way to prove the candidate’s experience and character so is worth checking early on. If an employee is unable or unwilling to give you references that you can speak to this might be a red flag that they have experienced issues with other employers.
Recruitment isn’t an inexpensive process, so make sure you get as much information about each candidate as you can.
Broadening the pool
Ensure to interview multiple candidates before offering one person the role. Often, hiring a candidate impulsively can mean they might not be the right person for the role.
To avoid this, even if you think you have found an appropriate employee, it may be best to carry out more interviews to make sure.
Make sure you ask your candidates the same questions during the interview process. If you maintain a standardised interview process, you will be more likely to hire the right candidate.
This is due to keeping a focus on the requirements of the role and assessing the candidate’s compatibility.
Discrimination in the hiring process
It is important to be aware of how discrimination can impact the hiring process. From the creation of an advert, through to who you interview, you must make sure your recruitment process is not in conflict with any of the nine protected characteristics.
For example, you may not consider an employee for the role based on their age. You may feel the employee is too young or too old. You shouldn’t make assumptions based on their age and should challenge anyone else who does.
Other forms of discrimination you should be aware of include judgements based on disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.
You shouldn’t form ideas about the candidate’s personal or home life around these characteristics or let them affect the decision you take. You should instead focus on their experience and merit as a potential employee.
For advice on the hiring process, get in touch.