National Living Wage to rise next month
From 1 April 2019, employers will be required by law to pay their employees a higher minimum wage rate.
It is thought that this increase in the UK’s statutory wage requirements will benefit around 2.4 million workers and means that the annual earnings of a full-time minimum wage worker will have increased by over £2,750 since the introduction of the National Living Wage in April 2016.
The new rates are:
Year | 25 and over (National Living Wage) | 21 to 24 | 18 to 20 | Under 18 | Apprentice |
Current rate | £7.83 | £7.38 | £5.90 | £4.20 | £3.70 |
April 2019 | £8.21 | £7.70 | £6.15 | £4.35 | £3.90 |
For businesses though, the increase in the wage will not only affected their wage bill but will also come at a time when they are required to increase their workplace pension contributions for staff.
These contributions are set to rise yet again next month to a minimum of three per cent for employers, and a combined minimum contribution of eight per cent between employers and employees.
Those who are unprepared for these changes are likely to be the worst affected by this sudden change in costs, so it is important that they take immediate action if they are not yet prepared.