What happens if I am struggling to cope with payroll and auto-enrolment?

Payroll can be an immensely complex undertaking for even the smallest employers, with numerous updates to contend with each year.

This month, employers are needing to get to grips with increases to minimum auto-enrolment pension contributions and changes to the National Living Wage (NLW).

That is why at AGS Accountants and Business Advisors, we offer a fully-outsourced payroll function, enabling you to:

Guarantee compliance – By letting professionals take care of your payroll, you can rest-assured that you are fully compliant with your obligations and any recent changes in the law.

Enjoy a faster turnaround – Dedicated payroll professionals know exactly what they are doing and can process payroll much faster than confused company bosses who are often prone to making errors.

Increase accuracy and avoid annoying errors – Potentially costly errors can be practically eliminated by appointing payroll professionals to take the lead on your payroll from the very beginning.

Maximise your time – Outsourcing your payroll gives you more time to focus on what matters most – the day-to-day running of your business.

Reduce costs – Eliminating the need to appoint and maintain an in-house payroll team can make for terrific cost savings in the long term. Wave goodbye to expensive training and hiring costs.

If you are struggling to keep on top of payroll and auto-enrolment, get in touch with AGS Accountants today to find out more about how we can help you.